This was her first pageant ever. She has begged to be in it for 4 years and this year, we let her do it. Now, let me say, she was one of the 2 youngest in the group of 13 girls, being 11 in an age group of 11-14. Most of the girls were much more mature.
So proud of my little sweetheart! If you ask me, it takes a lot of confidence to get up on stage in front of a huge crowd. She did it with poise. She practiced her walk every day for 2 weeks at home. And trust me, she was quite a sight on high heels at first! LOL! So stiff & unsure of herself during practices. But you would have never know it last night. She was her wonderful lovely self on stage, not caring if she would win or not, just having fun and letting her personality shine. I couldn't even tell she was nervous - she says she wasn't at all. Just graceful. I was beaming with pride backstage and just had to hug her huge when she stepped off the stage after doing her walks.
I had talked with her over and over about how she shouldn't expect to win, because she was young & this was her first pageant, blah, blah, blah. And not to worry with the "proper way" of doing things. telling her to just be herself, because that is what peole are attracted to. When they announced her name, it didn't register with her. She stood there waiting for someone to step up & then all of the sudden, it registered with her & she pointed to herself & asked, "Who, me?" I wish I could have captured the look of surprise on her face. Priceless! Funny thing is, I did the same thing. I thought, "Oh, my goodness!!! Did they just announce Madison?! They did! They did!!!" I don't remember exactly, but I think I might have jumped out of my seat & squealed with delight. I know people probably looked at me funny. Probably thinking, Geez, lady, it's not like she won the crown! But I really didn't care. I was just so stinkin' proud I couldn't stand it! So, she wasn't crowned Queen, but she is my Princess & that's all that really matters, anyway!
Oh, yeah. She wants to do it again next year. So fun!