I have been coveting these since I saw them on Ali's blog! I love love love all of them & it would be so fun just to put them in random places about the house for my family to find in unplanned moments!
BUT... I would definitely give the penguin one to my youngest daughter. She LOVES penguins! and I definately believe she is Awesome! Sometimes She might just need to hear it from a penguin.
The lab one would go to my Hubs (probably snuck into his lunchbox on the sly...) Aside from the fact that he adores our lab, Sophie, he really needs to know that I appreciate everything he does for our family and he should be proud of the husband and father he is.
The one with the deer would go to my oldest daughter. She is at the age where she is trying to find her wings. She needs to know that even if she makes a mistake, we will be there for her and love her no matter what. We think she is awesome.
I would keep the one with the bird for myself. Sometimes I need to be reminded not to ponder the "what ifs" and just know that I am right where I was meant to be. Every choice has led to HERE and I wouldn't trade HERE for anything. ever.
So... maybe the rest might find there was anonymously into a coworker's mailbox or desktop. Everyone could use a little encouragement now and then, huh?
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