Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Read them again...

...for the first time!

I just finished reading the Twilight Saga again. It has been a couple of years since I first fell in love with Edward. I read the series before all the hoopla. Heck, I might have been one of the main purpetraors of all the hoopla. I spread the love throughout my community. I begged my local library to order the books. They did. I convinced nearly all the teachers at the elementary school to get their hands on a copy. They did. Then I started in on the Junior High teachers. Now they have read the entire series as well.

So, I figured it was high time I visited Forks again. I gotta tell you, I loved all four books just as much the second time around.

Hands down, this is one of the best stories I have ever read. I am so in love.

I believe this is the first set of books I have ever re-read. I have never been the type to re-visit. I figured been there, read that. Not this time. I have missed the Twilight characters. I needed more. And since there are no more books, I figured, hey! Why not. Maybe I should just read them again. I am so very glad I did.

I've had my Edward fix and I am so very happy. Yup, he is just my brand of heroin.

So my plan is to read them again every couple of years. Definitely. They are that good!

If you haven't read them yet, what are you waiting for? And don't tell me you don't like vampire stories, either, because in case you haven't already heard, this is not your typical vampire story. Not even close. Like I told all my teacher friends, just give it a chance. I betcha you will be hooked. I haven't been wrong yet :*)

Oh, yeah. And the movie was fabulous, too! So if you are not a reader, spend a couple hours enjoying the condensed version on the big screen.
New Moon is coming out 11.20.09. I'll be there!

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