Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Playing Catch Up...

... with GPP Street Team Crusades.
Crusade 12 - Crush on You

As of late, I have taken on an infatuation with a vampire. Yep. You read that right. A vampire. His name is Edward and he is the oh, so sexy hero from Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight."

I am obsessed. Seriously. I sometimes forget that Edward isn't really real. Oh, but I wish he were.

Isn't he dreamy?!?!!


  1. T~ I started reading those books to see if they would be appropriate for my 12 year old daughter. I found myself hooked! I'll join you on this CRUSH. Thanks for sharing with the street team. Now get to work on your MUSE :)

    (I tried posting this once and it didn't appear to go through so I'm sorry if it comes through twice)

  2. Oh her books have already slipped onto my Christmas Wish List!!

  3. Sounds like fun....what isn't in our imaginations? Everything is and isn't real. Have a wonderful week-end!
    jodi barone

  4. hey girl! i've tried to get you via email but haven't heard back from you so i'll try here. you were one of the winners for my special give-away and i need your address. email me!

  5. i am also in love. its a good thing for my husband he isn't real!!

  6. I just found your blog through Heidi at Everyday Cookies. I love Edward to but I also have a crush on Jacob. Sigh. Have you read them all and do you know if there is going to be a 4th on? I can't believe I love those books. My 13 year old niece got me hooked. LOL
